Normally, when demand and supply are out of sync, you either increase the supply, or you adjust the price mechanism 通常,当供需失衡时,要么加大供给,要么调整价格机制。
The table lists all applied profiles, and any profile that is out of sync is clearly marked as such. 这个表格列出了所有的应用概要文件,并且所有不同步的概要文件都被清晰地标识出来。
Usually media failure is caused by either the complete loss of a data file or a system change number ( SCN) time stamp being out of sync with the rest of the database. 通常媒体故障是由于数据文件完全丢失或系统更改编号(SystemChangeNumber,SCN)时间戳与数据库的其余部分不同步造成的。
Instead of a separate XML file ( which can get out of sync with the related code when it changes), assume that you have some Web tag to indicate that a page is an entry for a Webflow. 这里不是使用一个单独的XML文件(当该文件发生变化时,它可能与相关的代码失去同步),而是用某种Web标记来表明一个页面是一个Webflow中的一项。
Therefore, when the primary is back online again, the databases on the primary and standby might be out of sync. 因此,当主要计算机重新联机之后,主要计算机和备用计算机上的数据库可能会失去同步。
Is there anything I can do to prevent my LTPA keys from becoming out of sync between my cells? 有方法能避免我的LTPA密钥在单元之间变得不同步吗?
This has the effect of making any columns in the updated records that are also displayed in a Domino view to be out of sync. 这会导致同时在Domino视图中显示的被更新的记录的任意列不同步。
They explain the Don't Repeat Yourself ( DRY) principle: If you have the same information in more than one place, it will get out of sync, and you no longer can trust any particular instance of it. 他们阐述了“不要重复自己”(Don'tRepeatYourself,DRY)的原则:如果您将同一信息存放在多个地方,它将失去同步,并且您不会再信任它的任何特定实例。
However, it is possible for out of sync data situations to occur. 但是,也可能出现数据不同步的情况。
These two different masters can cause the interfaces to become out of sync and difficult to debug and fix. 这种分歧会导致两个接口不同步,而且难于调试和修复。
The quick-sync bitmap defines the blocks that are in sync ( or out of sync) during a time of disconnection. 快速同步位图确定连接断开时同步(或不同步)的数据块。
Once again, what the legs say and what the eyes say is out of sync. 腿和眼睛传达的信号再一次不同步。
Our watches are out of sync. 我们的手表所报的时问不一样。
When the suit and situation are out of sync, the outcome can be catastrophic. 当着装与场合不协调时,后果可能是灾难性的。
Our team had performed at a pace that was far out of sync with the client organization. 我们团队的生产力太高了,客户公司远远跟不上我们。
Sound can be poor quality: crackling, out of sync, and shutting down. 音效的质量低劣:爆音、不同步,有时甚至没有声音。
For a long time, earth fell out of sync with time within your creation. 很长时间来,地球脱离了你们造物内的时间同步。
In this badly dubbed movie, the actor's voice is obviously out of sync with his lip movements. 这部配音差劣的电影中,男演员的声音明显对不上口形。
You want your child. it's out of sync. 你要你的孩子。这是完全不对的。
NetPlay: Client may be out of sync with server. 网络对战:客户端可能和服务器不同步。
Species that depend on one another may become out of sync. 寄生物种可能和寄主不同步。
Commands out of sync; You can't run this command now. 命令不同步。你现在不能运行这条命令。
If you let the model drift out of sync with the business domain, you will create an intermediate language that maps the model to the domain, and that spells disaster in the long term. 若是你让模型偏离了与营业域的同步,你将生成一个从模型映射到域的中心说话,从长远概念看,这是拼写的灾害。
They were glaringly out of sync with realities students face outside the classroom. 这与学生在教室外所面对的现实明显不“同步”。
If the two fall out of sync with each other, the heavy driver can compensate the heavy filler. 如果两者不一致,那么多开车的人就可以补偿多加油的人。
This will also avoid that the widget converter and field validator get out of sync. 这也将会避免部件转换器和域校验器不同步。
The sound was out of sync with the pictures. 声音与画面不一致。
He is completely out of sync with the current political trends. 他和目前的政治潮流完全不一致。
As Basel shocked United with two quick goals Jones and Ferdinand were detached and out of sync. 巴塞尔打曼联的2个快攻时费迪南德和琼斯都不在位置。
No of sync requests made to the neighbors that failed because their schema are out of sync. 由于架构不同步向邻居所做的同步请求失败。